Spain announced on Wednesday that it had hit its initial target of vaccinating 70 per cent of the population against Covid-19. According to the latest figures published by the Ministerio de Sanidad on Wednesday evening, a total of 33,376,693 have now been fully vaccinated equating to 70.3 per...
CONTINUE READINGSpain is going to stop using the Covid infection rate to assess the severity of the pandemic. On Tuesday Spain’s Ministry of Health made the...
CONTINUE READINGA new Covid variant that mutates twice as fast as the others, has been discovered in South Africa. On Monday, the National Institue of Communicable...
CONTINUE READINGSpain has started preparations to administer the third vaccine ‘booster’ dose to citizens, the health minister Carolina Darias confirmed on...
CONTINUE READINGSpain’s Ministry of Health published their latest Coronavirus stats on Tuesday evening which showed that the number of Covid related deaths are now...
CONTINUE READINGUpdated: February 18, 2021 CET
Updated: February 17, 2021 CET