If you live in Spain, there may come a time when you need to report a crime or contact the emergency services.
When it comes down to calling the emergency services – be it the police, an ambulance, or fire services, you need to know the emergency numbers in Spain.
In this guide, we will share everything you need to know about calling the emergency services including key information and the numbers to call.
What’s the main emergency number in Spain?
The main number to call is 112.
This is the main emergency number not only in Spain, but throughout the European Union.
It is important to remember that when you call 112, there is no need add any extra dialing codes such as +34 or 0034 even when calling from an international mobile phone.
When calling this number, you can report any emergency such as fire, rescue, traffic accidents or security incidents.
This also includes both public safety (accidents, health emergencies) and environmental safety, fire, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
Will I be understood when making an emergency call in Spain?
Yes, you will be.
The 112 service in Spain can provide telephone support in more than 50 languages.
Never avoid making an emergency call in Spain because you think you will not be understood.
Another advantage of calling 112 is that geolocation services will enable the operators to pinpoint where you are and instantly direct you to the appropriate emergency department in your region.
Access for those with hearing impairments
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can send an SMS to 679 436 200 and they will assist you as soon as possible.
There is also an app you can download for both Android and Apple platforms which you can use to contact the National Police and Guardia Civil. The official app is called AlertCops.
Below we offer you a list of the main emergency service numbers in Spain.
You may want to keep a note of the numbers in your handbag or wallet as well as next to the phone – just in case you might encounter an emergency situation when you’re out and about. You never know – it always pays to be prepared.
Emergency Numbers In Spain
Gender-based violence helpline - 016
This telephone service provides information, legal advice and immediate psychosocial care by specialised operators. You may also contact them via WhatsApp on 600 000 016. You may also contact them online via email to 016-online@igualdad.gob.es. This is free to use, is confidential and is accessible to those with hearing, speach or vision impairments.
Suicide prevention - 024
In 2022, Spain launched its new suicide prevention hotline.
Anyone with suicidal thoughts or behaviours, as well as their relatives, can call 024 to get confidential help 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Animal welfare
There is no RSPCA equivalent in Spain, however, if you feel an animal has been abused or mistreated, there are number of routes you can take to report this.
Firstly, you can call the Guardia Civil on 062. The Guardia Civil have a department called Seprona (Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza), that deals with nature conservation and animal welfare across the country.
You can also report any animal abuse via a denuncia at your local police station.
For any non-emergency enquiries, you may want to try Twitter! The Spanish police have now adopted the social media platform and regularly post important information. If you have a question, why not send them a tweet @policia
You can learn more about the different Spanish police forces via our article - Police In Spain: A Guide To The Three Spanish Police Forces
Please bookmark and share this page on social media with your friends and family as well to make sure they are aware of these numbers.
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Photo courtesy of ec-jpr on Flickr.
Updated: March 25, 2025 CET