With Sanitas Dental you get services included from all aspects of dentistry. Plus 40% off things like cosmetic dentistry.
Sanitas Dental Milenium
13,50 € / Month
More than 30 services included
Our Milenium plan will make you smile..No co-payments plus a great selection of brand new dentist facilities throughout Spain.
no co-payments
Sanitas Dental Milenium
11,50 € / Month
More than 30 services included
Our Milenium plan will make you smile..No co-payments plus a great selection of brand new dentist facilities throughout Spain.
Sanitas Dental Premium
0,00 € / Month
58 services included.
Cover under the Dental Premium policy gives you direct access to over 2,500 dental professionals and 180 Milenium dental clinics nationwide.
no co-payments
Sanitas Dental Premium
18,90 € / Month
58 services included.
Cover under the Dental Premium policy gives you direct access to over 2,500 dental professionals and 180 Milenium dental clinics nationwide.
Sanitas Dental 21
8,40 € / Month
30 services included.
Sanitas Dental 21 offers you 30 different services and a discount of 21% against current market prices. This dental plan is FREE if taken with the Mas Salud plan.
no co-payments
Prices shown are on averages only. All real time prices are based by age and province. The net premium of this policy has an annual surcharge of 0.15% of the Insurance Compensation Consortium. Premiums are valid until 31/01/2024.