Healthplan Spain

Sanitas Mas Salud Family

Our most economical policy for families requiring a plan for residency, NIE or visa from €60,90 / Month

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Cover & Services

Cover & Services of Mas Salud Family

The Sanitas Family is a variation on our most popular plan the Mas Salud, providing you with 100% cover in Spain and access to all the facilities and specialists within the Sanitas network. It also comes bundled with dental cover giving you access to all of our Millenium dental centres plus all the regular centres within the Sanitas network. This plan has no co-payments (excesses) which means we pick up the costs leaving you to concentrate on your well being. You can also choose additional services as part of your cover - our range of extra options will give you the flexibility you need to choose the level of cover which best suits your needs.

The Sanitas Mas Salud Family is also the most economical policy suitable for residency / N.I.E. or visa applications for families.

medical fees Medical Fees:
100% cover of medical fees
service providers Choose Service Provider:
Choose from a wide range of service providers - access to over 50,000 specialists and 700 private centres throughout Spain..
Finf specialists Online Account:
Your own online account where you can find doctors / hospitals / specialists within the Sanitas network who speak your language.
member support Multi-lingual Support:
Multi-lingual member support both online and over the telephone.
Policy documents Policy Documents:
Policy documents are available in English / Spanish / German / French
network of top professionals Extensive Network:
With Sanitas you have access to an extensive network made up of top professionals covering every aspect of your health, offering the best treatment and medical services available in Spain.

What is covered?

Primary Medicine Primary Healthcare + hospitalisation:
Including general medicine, nursing services, emergencies.
medical and surgical specialties Access to all medical and surgical specialties:
cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, traumatology, gynaecology, ophthalmology, oncology, psychiatry etc.
Outpatient Surgery:
Inpatient and outpatient
Diagnostic tests Diagnostic tests and therapies:
Clinical analysis and tests including antenatal care, MRI/CAT scans, ultrasound, x-rays, endoscopies, mammograms, smear tests etc.
High tech therapies High tech therapies:
Including rehab, cancer treatments, respiratory, radiotherapy, speech therapy etc.
Psychology services Psychology services
Single Room Single Room:
A single room with a bed for your visitor when hospitalised (except for Psychiatric hospitalisation).
PET and CAT scans Travel Assistance:
in collaboration with Europ Assistance - up to a limit of 12,000 per person, per claim. More information
Dental cover Dental cover:
with Dental 21 you receive 30 services free including checkups, x-rays, simple extractions and yearly teeth cleaning. If you need more comprehensive dental cover we have a range of options for you to choose from

Extra services included with this plan

*Over and above the services covered by the Sanitas Mas Salud Plan, the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan includes the following exclusive cover:

Primary Medicine Psychology: with authorisation from Sanitas you have 20 sessions of Psychology available, per year, 5 more than with the standard Mas Salud policy
medical and surgical specialties Speech Therapy: 20 sessions of therapy including speech defets (not covered under Mas Salud)
Outpatient 24 hour emergency medical and dental consultations via video online, without appointments
Online health and wellbeing programmes Online health and wellbeing programmes via video consultation
High tech therapies Help at home when sick with household tasks such as cooking cleaning and ironing (29 hours max)
Psychology services Help with the care of children or the elderly when sick (30 hours max)
Delivery of prescription medicines Delivery of prescription medicines from the pharmacy

*This cover is not available on any other Mas Salud plan except the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan. Terms & conditions apply.

Extra Options

Extra Options

Included free with this plan:
Dental21 Dental21
Gives you 30 different dental services and a discount of 21% for all other services. (FREE)


Optional Extra Options

That can be added to this plan:
Work / Traffic accidents Work / Traffic accidents
Guarantees medical assistance if you are in a work or traffic accident. (must be taken by all insured / under 18 is FREE)
Pharmacy Pharmacy
Get 50% off your pharmacy costs. (must be taken by all insured)
Dental Dental (without co-payments)
Gives you 60 different dental services plus a discount of 40% for all other services. (must be taken by all insured)
Premium dental Premium dental (without co-payments)
Gives you 58 different dental services including fillings and reconstruction plus a discount of 40% for all other services. (must be taken by all insured)
Advanced technology Dental Milenium (without co-payments)
Our Milenium dental plan includes 30 different services plus a discount of 40% for all other services (must be taken by all insured)
Accidental death Accidental death €30,000 - €60,000
Provides you or your family with compensation of €30,000 or €60,000 in case of death or permanent disability resulting from an accident. (can choose which insured have the option)
Optical Optical
Receive 50% reimbursement on your contact lenses and spectacle lenses every year when prescribed by a Sanitas optician. (must be taken by all insured)
Optical Optical individual
Receive 50% reimbursement on your contact lenses and spectacle lenses every year when prescribed by a Sanitas optician. (can choose which insured have the option)
worldwide reimbursement worldwide reimbursement 50k - 300k
Our worldwide reimbursement options give you the flexibility to visit the medical specialist of your choice outside the Sanitas network, both in Spain and worldwide. (can choose which insured have the option)
Repatriation Repatriation
Cover to repatriate you (+ 1 member of your existing family or a friend) to your country of origin in case of death. (must be taken by all insured)
Income protection Income protection
Provides €60 per day for out of pocket expenses in case you are hospitalised. (can choose which insured have the option)


Can I use the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan outside Spain?

Yes. In an emergency you can use your travel assistance cover up to €10,000 per claim.

What is a Network policy?

A network policy requires you to use doctors, hospitals and dentists who are contracted to provide services for Sanitas. Details of the Sanitas network are available on this site by clicking here. They will also be available inside your online account after you have purchased this policy.

What are co-payments and how much are they for the Sanitas Mas Salud Family?

Co-payments are like excesses and they are charged for each service you use. The Sanitas Mas Salud Family has no co-payments.

What are pre-existing conditions and how do they apply to the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan?

Pre-existing conditions relate to previous pathologies prior to the date of you contracting any of the Sanitas Mas Salud plans. If you have declared any pre-existing conditions on your application one of our doctors will call you in confidence. From there a personal assessment will be made, which will guarantee the fairest and most comprehensive assessment of your health.

Does the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan cover antenatal care or childbirth?

Yes. The Sanitas Mas Salud plan will cover your antenatal consultations, diagnostic tests. Childbirth is covered as long as you fall pregnant after becoming a member.

What are qualification periods and how do they apply with regard to the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan?
Qualification Periods
All vital emergencies
Outpatient surgery
3 months
6 months
6 months
Cobalt therapy
6 months
Radioactive Isotope therapy
6 months
MRI scans
6 months
Nuclear medicine
6 months
Radio Neuro surgery
6 months
Bone Densitotherapy
6 months
High tech diagnostic tests
6 months
Temporary incapacity
8 months
Hospitalisation (inpatients)
10 months
Hospitalisation (day patients)
10 months
Hospitalisation (childbirth)
8 months
Bariatric surgery
70 months
Is there an age limit on becoming a Sanitas Mas Salud Family member?

Initially you may contract this policy up to age 74. There is no upper age limit to remain covered, once the policy is in force.

Are there any discounts as a Sanitas Mas Salud Family member?
Discount type
Annual payment
4+ Insured
I am single and I need a policy. Are there any discounts?

No. However there is a surcharge if you are applying singularly for this policy. The current surcharge is 8% and will be included in the quote.

The Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan mentions something about dental, what dental cover is included with this plan?

The Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan comes bundled with Dental 21. For more details on this policy please click here

Can I add comprehensive international cover to the Sanitas Mas Salud Family plan?

Yes. Please click the "extra options" tab to see international options available with this plan.

Is repatriation to my country of origin included?


What documents do you need from me?

Nothing for now, however, we will need you to complete the application form.

Terms & Conditions

Premium from €60,90

Premiums valid during the first year for all new members with effective date from 01/04/2024 to 31/12/2024. All premiums are subject to 0.015% Insurance Compensation Consortium tax. Maximum age to contract this policy is 75 years of age. Real time quotes will vary depending on age and the place of residence of the insured. Terms and conditions apply.

10% lifetime discount

Lifetime discount of 10% (included in all real time prices) on all Sanitas Mas Salud plans for four or more insured persons. The discount will be maintained while the policy is in force & payments are up to date. To apply for this discount you cannot have been a previous member of Sanitas in the last 6 months.


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