The Sanitas Premium 500 is a mixed policy designed for those that need the best cover in Spain plus the ability to choose where to receive treatment abroad.
This plan covers you fully when using the Sanitas network of doctors and hospitals in Spain. When using the Sanitas network, you simply present your membership card at reception when you attend an appointment and all costs are taken care of. There are no co-payments or deductibles. If you wish to use doctors and hospitals outside of the network in Spain and internationally, then you use the reimbursement part of the policy. You may use any doctor or hospital of your choice, pay the invoice, submit your claim to us and receive 90% of the costs back. The cover provided for this purpose is 500k per person, per year.
As a member you will get exclusive benefits not found in similar policies offered by other providers including full dental (Sanitas Dental), 50 % reimbursement for drugs or medicines prescribed by your Sanitas doctor and income protection when you are hospitalised.
Please note: the Sanitas Premium 500 is suitable for residency / N.I.E. or visa applications. However, if you need a "Spain only" policy for these purposes please see the Mas Salud without co-payments plan
Yes. The Premium 500 plan will cover you worldwide on a 90% reimbursement basis.
A network policy requires you to use doctors, hospitals and dentists who are contracted to provide services for Sanitas. Details of the Sanitas network are available on this site by clicking here. They will also be available inside your online account after you have purchased this policy.
With a reimbursement policy you can go to doctors or hospitals outside of the network, both in Spain and abroad and claim back the cost. The Sanitas Premium 500 comes bundled with a reimbursement module giving the insured up to 500,000 worldwide reimbursement cover.
No. There are no co-payments with the Sanitas Premium 500 plan.
Pre-existing conditions relate to previous pathologies prior to the date of you contracting the Sanitas Premium 500 plan. If you declare any medical history / medication on your application form one of our doctors will call you in confidence. From there a personal assessment will be made, which will guarantee the fairest and most comprehensive assessment of your health.
The qualification periods for the Sanitas Premium 500 Plan are detailed below.
The above qualification periods shall not apply to accidents covered by the Policy, life-threatening diseases supervening and diagnosed after the effective date of the Policy, or cases of premature childbirth.
Yes. The Sanitas Premium 500 plan covers antenatal care and childbirth (including caesarian sections) 100% within the Sanitas network. However, waiting periods apply. If you wish to undertake your antenatal care and childbirth outside of the Sanitas network then the 90% reimbursement module kicks in covering you up to €3,610 for these types of expenses.
The following discounts are available:
You can contract the Sanitas Premium 500 plan up to the age of 64. There is no upper age limit for maintaining your cover, once contracted.
The Sanitas Premium 500 plan comes bundled with Sanitas Dental. After you have been a member for eight months you will be entitled to €400 worth of dental treatment per year on an 80% reimbursement basis. See whats covered with our full dental plan here.
The premium 500 plan also gives its members 50% reimbursement on all prescribed medicines up to a limit of €300 per person per year.
Nothing for now, however, we will need you to complete the application form.
Premiums valid during the first year for all new members with effective date from 01/04/2024 to 31/12/2024. All premiums are subject to 0.015% Insurance Compensation Consortium tax. Maximum age to contract this policy is 64 years of age. Real time quotes will vary depending on age and the place of residence of the insured. Terms and conditions apply.