It has now been confirmed that the UK will be characterised as ‘Part 2 listed’ by the EU for pet travel in 2021.
The change will mean that pet travel from the UK into the EU from January 1, 2020, will be significantly easier than previously feared.
An update published by the UK’s Animal, Plant Health Agency (APHA) said, “A UK government spokesperson said: “From 1 January 2021 Great Britain (GB) will become a third country with respect to the EU Pet Travel Scheme. On 3 December 2020 the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF) of the EU voted in favour of giving Great Britain and the Crown Dependencies Part 2 listed status for the purposes of non-commercial pet travel after the Transition Period.”
Many of those who travel to the EU from the UK with their dogs, cats and ferrets had been warned that the UK’s exit from the bloc would mean that travelling with pets would be much more complicated and that they would have to make arrangements at least four months in advance.
However, with the EU confirming that the UK will be granted listed status for non-commercial pet travel at the end of the transition period, transportation of pets into the EU should now be a lot easier.
The move will also mean that the existing pet passports, will no longer be valid for those living in the UK.
Instead, owners will need to obtain an AHC (Animal Health Certificate) by an authorised vet prior to travel.
The AHC certificates will be required for any pets arriving in the EU from 23:00 on December 31, 2020.
Below we list the most significant changes that will take place from January 2021, although further details will be published by the authorities in due course.
For now, travelling into the UK will remain the same for those who reside in the EU and who have the existing EU pet passports which were issued before January 2021. A successful rabies antibody blood test will also be required.
A UK government spokesperson said: “With the EU granting ‘part 2’ listed third-country status for pet travel between Great Britain and the EU, further guidance on pet travel will be published shortly.”
Updated: March 25, 2025 CET
Updated: March 25, 2025 CET
Updated: March 25, 2025 CET