Healthplan Spain


Job interview with resume Spanish Unemployment Falls For Seventh Consecutive Month As 76,113 Find Work Spain News

The number of people registered as unemployed in Spain has fallen for the seventh consecutive month in a row, government figures have revealed.

In September, the number of unemployed registered at the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) fell by 2.28% with 76,113 finding work.

Over the past seven months an accumulated total of 750,987 people found work bringing the current number of unemployed in the country to 3,257,802.

There hasn’t been seven consecutive months of declines since 2000, although the reduction in 2021 is more than triple that registered two decades ago (-201,649).

Year-on-year, there are now 518,683 (-13.73%) fewer people unemployed.

When looking at seasonally adjusted figures, when calendar related variations associated with the time of year are removed, the figures fell by 109,279.

Paro Septiembre 2021 Espana

Unemployment by sector

In September, all sectors saw a fall in unemployment compared to August.

  • In the Services sector, numbers were down 1.68% to 39,312.
  • Agriculture saw a fall of 13,067 unemployed, down 8.08%
  • Construction registered 12,309 fewer, down 4.53%
  • In the Industry sector, 6,668 more people found work, down 2.45%
  • Those without previous employment fell by 4,757, down 1.68%

Unemployment by sex and age

The number of females unemployed fell by 2.03% in September in comparison to August by 39,977, bringing the total to 1,932,239.

There was also a fall in the number of men who were unemployed down by 2.65% or 36,136. This brings the total number of men registered as unemployed to 1,325,563.

Despite the positive numbers, things still do not look so good for those under the age of 25 with numbers rising in September by 5,838 or 2.38%.

However, it is noted that there are now 10,319 fewer younger people registered in SEPE offices since the start of the pandemic.

Unemployment by autonomous community

The number of registered unemployed dropped in 13 of Spain’s autonomous communities and cities. The biggest falls were seen in the Canary Islands (-20,699), Catalonia (-12,658), Castilla La Mancha (-10,720) and Castilla León (-10,281).

The Canary Islands, which is heavily dependent on tourism, saw the biggest absolute and relative gains, down 8.8%.

Andalucia was the region with the biggest gain, with 4,416 added to the unemployment register (Paro).

Thirteen Autonomous Communities and autonomous cities have a lower level of registered unemployment than at the beginning of the health crisis.

Unemployment benefits in August

Data shows that in August a total of 1,977,033 people were in receipt of some form of welfare with a total expense of 2,022 million euros. This is down 29.7% from the same month in 2020.

The average monthly expenditure per beneficiary, not including the agricultural subsidy for Andalusia and Extremadura, in August 2021 was 1,047.5 euros, a figure that represents an increase over the same month of the previous year of 53.5 euros ( 5.4%).

The total amount of payrolls for ERTE (furlough scheme) benefits in the month of August amounted to 256 million euros. The ERTE has since been extended until February 2021.


Image Credit: La Moncloa