Spain’s traffic authority the DGT (Directorate-General for Traffic) plans to cut down on the number of vehicles circulating on Spanish roads without a valid ITV.
According to the data handled by the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration at the Technical Vehicle Inspection (AECA-ITV), over the last 12 months, 32% of vehicles in Spain either failed the mandatory ITV testing or didn’t pass it correctly.
The latest stats show that out of the 28.6 million vehicles that had to pass the inspection, only 19.6 million did and the forecast for 2021 shows that this figure could reach 40%.
At present, the Spanish roads are full of cameras that are used to monitor accidents, pinpoint traffic congestion, detect if a driver is wearing a seat belt or using a mobile device whilst driving. All of these cameras have been installed by the DGT.
At the last Congress of Deputies meeting that took place in Madrid and was attended by Guillermo Magaz, the managing director of AECA-ITV, a proposal was put forward suggesting that the surveillance cameras that are already in operation, could also be used to recognise vehicles that have an expired ITV. Therefore enabling authorities to begin sanctioning measures.
It is believed that it really is a case of when, not if, this happens and will mean that images from the DGT cameras could be used to help verify ITV stickers that all vehicles must display, or at least carry. reported that it is also believed that this move would see the 32% rate of vehicles that don’t have a valid ITV drop significantly and that the number of fines for not having passed the mandatory technical inspection, would increase significantly.
Magaz said that in his opinion “the high degree of automation in these devices allows data to be crossed with the General Register of Vehicles of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT)”
This means that the cameras will automatically identify offenders through their vehicle licence plates.
The objective would be to use the data available in the video-monitored and low-emission areas, with the alphanumeric recognition, to help locate vehicles without ITV and then take lawful action.
Additionally, the AECA-ITV insists “the need for insurance companies to verify the validity of the inspection of any vehicle that hires, renews or subrogates a policy with all types of coverage”.
They also say that “the information to the user, in this regard, must be clear and express the consequences of non-compliance”, fundamentally the loss of insurance coverage in the event of an accident.
The association proposes to further encourage national, regional and local governments to carry out control, information and awareness campaigns about the relevance of technical inspection, and that all vehicles keep it up to date to avoid not only the risk of sanctions but of possible road accidents.
The AECA-ITV believes that awareness of the importance of complying with the ITV laws should be a fundamental pillar as it ultimately helps to both save lives and protect the environment. This is why they advocate making drivers aware of these issues as a part of the road safety courses which are provided by the DGT, the Civil Guard, education centres and driving schools.
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET