Healthplan Spain


Employment In The Spanish Tourist Industry Increases By 143,524 In July This Year Compared To 2021 Spain News

The Spanish tourism sector continues to see an increase in employment, as Spain’s Social Security registers approximately 2,702,645 people employed in tourism-related jobs.

According to data released by Turespaña, the national tourism body of Spain, this represents a year-on-year increase of 5.6 percent and means that 143,524 jobs have been created.

The data also shows that July is the fourth consecutive month in which the number of affiliates is exceeded compared to the same month of 2019 when 2,617,860 affiliates were recorded.

Furthermore, the tourism industry continues to lead the production of jobs in Spain, consequently representing 13.3 percent of the total number of affiliates in its national economy.

Reyes Maroto, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism pointed out that “The good employment data shows that tourism will be one of the sectors that will contribute the most to job creation and economic recovery this year. In addition, the quality of employment is improving, thanks to the labour reform approved by the Government.

"The sector is benefiting from the desire to travel that both residents and international travellers have who have chosen Spain for its safety against covid and for its excellent tourism products in both the sun and beach segment, such as rural and urban tourism. At the moment, inflation is not affecting the decision to travel and the measures adopted by the Government such as the fuel discount or tax reductions such as the reduction in VAT on electricity are providing relief for a lot of families".

The released data also shows that there was a growth of 198,931 new employees within the hotel industry. This figure includes 122,530 employed in food and beverage services and a further 76,401 in the accommodation sector. Travel agency workers also increased by 5,203.

The hotel industry and travel agents/tourist operators together are sectors that constitute 70.3 percent of the total number of employees registered with Social Security within the tourism industry. This equates to an increase of 12 percent year on year.

This increase was due to the increase in wages, 15 percent for the employed and 0.3 percent for the self-employed.

In the month of July 2022 alone, these industries saw an increase in all of the Autonomous Communities, with the greatest increase seen in Andalusia, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, the Valencian Community and the Madrid Community.

In regards to foreign workers within the travel sector in Spain, the recent data from Turespaña shows that there were a total of 2,378,437 affiliates registered with Spain’s Social Security in July.

According to the new data, there are roughly 1,409 fewer workers than a month ago. However, the number of foreign workers now adds up to nearly 190,000 more compared to February 2020.

A statement on the Government’s official website states that the number of foreign subsidiaries has increased by 71,800 employees.

Furthermore, the Spanish authorities announced that ‘activities related to tourism have registered 391,343 more people employed between April and June compared to the same quarter of the previous year.’

These figures portray half of the employment generated in Spain during that period in the economy, seeing that the total number of new jobs reached 776,000.


Photo by Dimitry B on Unsplash