Healthplan Spain


UK Driving Licence Update: Final Steps To Be Taken In The Next Few Weeks Spain News

Following two weeks of no news regarding the UK driving licence debacle, Ambassador Hugh Elliott has posted an update on the Embassy’s Brits in Spain Facebook page.

In the update posted yesterday, Wednesday, February 22, Mr Elliott reassured UK licence holders living in Spain that “the final steps” in the negotiations between Britain and Spain will “be taken in the next few weeks.

The latest news follows an outburst of criticism from British drivers, who have been banned from driving since May 1, 2022, over the speed at which the Spanish Council of Ministers were able to reach a reciprocal licence agreement with New Zealand. A deal which was completed in just over three months.

Mr Elliott stated that in regards to the New Zealand agreement, the negotiations were “not comparable” to the Spain-UK situation. However, he did say that following this agreement, he has once again contacted the Spanish government, requesting they accelerate the process for Brits in order for them to get back on the roads.

The only reassurance the Ambassador could give frustrated Brits living in Spain, was “you will be able to drive again very shortly after approval by the Consejo de Ministros which, to repeat, we expect to take place within the next few weeks.

Many hundreds of those UK citizens are, as you can imagine, not happy with the latest ‘update’, which really isn’t any different from the last.

Replying to the Ambassadors update, one aggravated Brit said “Here we go again, told us two weeks ago to do the medical and aptitude test which once again I have done! Is it going to expire like the last two, we shall see!!!

Back in January the Ambassador advised Brits to take the Psico-technico test which is a requirement for all those who want to exchange their licence for a Spanish one.

Another commented “Within the next few weeks” we were told last year that “we expect you will be driving by July”.

Others took a more positive approach to the news, with one person saying “it’s a pity there is so much hostility over this. I am sure the Spanish government has a full schedule of work without having to find extra time for this bill.

Another simply wrote, “finally happening!
