The Valencian government has announced it will be launching a shopping voucher worth 90 euros, that will be available for low-income families.
The voucher, which can be used in any supermarket or food store, will benefit half a million people who have an income of less than 21,000 euros, and will be available in Alicante and surrounding provinces from April 18, 2023, and will last until July 15, 2023.
Payments will be made through a prepaid bank card that you will be able to obtain electronically. Anyone who does not have access to a computer can contact consumer associations, NGOs and town halls to help them.
On Tuesday, March 28, Generalitat president Ximo Puig explained that “This measure goes to the heart of the domestic economy. It can be used during the four months after the concession.”
To receive the voucher, you must be a resident of the Valencian Community, with a household income of less than 21,000 euros. In the case of a coexistence household, each member with an income not exceeding 21,000 euros may request the card. However, if the income exceeds the mentioned amount, no member can request the card. The Tax Agency will verify this information along with the applicant's residence in the Valencian Community.
The bonus can also be combined with the Minimum Vital Income, the Valencian inclusion income, and the 200-euro aid provided by the central government.
The Ministry of Finance sources confirm that the collection points for the cards have not been determined yet.
A budget of 48.4 million euros has been allocated to the aid, with President Puig saying that the new measure comes from "dialogue and consensus" with employers and unions. He emphasised that it is an "ethical requirement" to take action and address the fracture in society, particularly in families with lower incomes. The bonus is not universal, but it is aimed at preventing unnecessary suffering in a situation of enormous difficulty. Puig stressed that the bonus is a step forward to address the societal divide.
As part of this bonus initiative, the small business sector will contribute an additional one million euros.
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET