Healthplan Spain


Foreign Worker Employment In Spain Jumps By 23,508 In One Month Spain News

The number of foreign workers in Spain has increased, according to Social Security records.

In March 2023, there were 2,573,331 foreign affiliates registered, representing a 12.4% share of all Social Security affiliates. This figure shows an increase of 23,508 workers from the previous month.

Compared to February 2020, before the pandemic, there has been a significant increase of over 384,000 foreign workers, with more than 230,000 joining in the past year. This trend reflects Spain's ongoing reliance on foreign workers, who are critical to many sectors of the country's economy.

In March 2023, the largest groups of foreign workers were from Romania, Morocco, Italy, Colombia, and Venezuela. These workers represented a significant share of the total foreign workforce in Spain, with Romanian workers accounting for the largest group.

In total, there were 849,847 workers from European Union countries and 1,676,040 workers from third countries. The number of workers from Ukraine has grown significantly since the beginning of the year, with 62,059 affiliates recorded in March 2023, a 31.3% increase from January 2022.

Most of the foreign workers (83.5%) were registered under the General Scheme, which covers employed workers, with the highest numbers working in the Hospitality, Construction, Artistic Activities, and Public Administration sectors. These sectors are all important to the Spanish economy and rely heavily on foreign workers to fill many positions.

Meanwhile, the Self-Employed Regime had 412,271 foreign affiliates, with the largest number of self-employed workers coming from China, Romania, and Italy. These workers are often highly skilled and contribute to the entrepreneurial spirit of many Spanish cities and towns.

Overall, the average affiliation of foreign workers in Spain has grown by 9.9% in the past year, representing an increase of 227,062 employed. This growth shows that Spain remains an attractive destination for foreign workers, despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and geopolitical tensions in certain regions of the world.

In conclusion, the increase in foreign workers in Spain reflects the country's ongoing reliance on foreign labour, which is critical to many sectors of the economy. While the pandemic has created significant challenges for the Spanish labour market, the growth in foreign workers over the past year demonstrates the resilience of the Spanish economy and the continued importance of international migration to Spain's future growth and prosperity.
