Picture this. Your children come home from school and without prompting, proceed to tidy their bedrooms, finish all homework and even show an interest in how your day went. To cap it off, they play happily with their sibling and not once do you need to split them apart and prevent world war III.
Sound good to you? If you're a parent like myself, there is only one word that can describe such a Utopian existence; bliss.
Believe it or not, this is exactly what has been outlined in a new set of laws which are being considered here in Spain and which will affect all children under the age of 18.
The new requirements are a part of the new "Child Protection Bill" which was recently passed by Spanish government ministers and has set out new proposals which would make children more responsible for everyday tasks including helping with the chores. They would also be obligated to "respect their parents and siblings", "participate in family life", "study when required" and "maintain a positive attitude towards education and learning".
It's not known what the penalties will be and indeed who will enforce them, but it will definitely be interesting to see how this develops and if the Spanish authorities really do believe that children would be happy to abide by their new laws. We can only live in hope!
I can't help but think that this is some kind of belated April fools joke!
What do you think? Do you think we should be forcing children to do these things? Join us on Facebook and give us your opinion.
Further sources for this article can be found at
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET