New shocking figures recently released by the traffic department (DGT) reveal that around 43% of all fatalities on Spanish roads in 2013 were due to either alcohol or drug use.
Although overall deaths fell by a very encouraging 12% compared to the previous year, the number of deaths caused by those who had drugs and alcohol in their systems is a cause for concern.
In total there were 1,680 fatalities on Spanish roads in 2013 as well as 5,529 serious injuries and 114,634 minor injuries.
The report from the DGT also showed that 171 of the victims were not wearing seatbelts and whose deaths could potentially have been avoided.
With the summer months now upon us, there is a concern that the number of daily deaths will rise again during the summer period, which is usually the case.
Director of the DGT María Seguí said the agency was expecting 79 million road trips in July and August, and warned that the average daily death rate rises to six in these months, compared with five for the rest of the year.
She also stressed that driving a car, which is over 15 years old increases your risk of having an accident by a factor of five.
Please enjoy the summer and above all, drive safely!
Source: Associated Press
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET