Spain's motoring authority the DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico) has been active on Twitter recently and has been stressing that drivers use the correct child seats in their vehicles and adhere to the current laws.
Currently, Spain uses the 'i-size' EU safety regulation for child car seats, which was first introducted in July 2013 and focuses more on the height of the child rather than the weight. The i-size standard also aims to make sure seats are easier to fit and to provide better overall protection for child passengers.
The DGT reminds drivers that children under 135 cm in height and irrespective of their age MUST travel in the rear of the vehicle at all times and must be placed in an approved child car seat. The only exception to this rule is if the rear seats of the vehicle are already occupied by other car seats or it is not possible to install an approved car seat. The front air bag would also need to be deactivated.
Child seats must also be rear facing until the child is 15 months or older.
The use of a child restraint system and help reduce the risk of death by up to 75% and the severity of injury by up to 90%. So it makes perfect sense to always use one and make sure that it is fitted correctly.
Further information about car seat law in Spain can be found below.
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET
Updated: January 24, 2019 CET