Healthplan Spain


Boost For New Self-Employed Workers With Up To 5,500 Euros In Grants Available In Andalucía Spain News

In a significant move to stimulate self-employment, the Ministry of Employment, Business, and Self-Employment has unveiled a new round of financial aid in Andalucía, offering grants ranging from 3,800 to 5,500 euros for fresh entrants into the self-employed sector. The initiative, which aims to bolster entrepreneurship, particularly among women, young individuals, and those starting in smaller municipalities, encompasses more than 16,600 potential beneficiaries.

Effective retrospectively from January 1, this aid pertains to self-employed workers covered under the state flat rate. The allocation of 66.88 million euros, derived from the European Social Fund PLUS program and supplemented by regional funding, is expected to invigorate the self-employment landscape and contribute to economic growth in Andalucía.

The disbursement is structured to prioritise various groups within the self-employed community. Applicants under the age of 35, irrespective of gender, stand to receive 5,000 euros, while those aged 35 or above will be eligible for 3,800 euros. Male self-employed workers below 30 years will also be granted 5,000 euros, and their counterparts aged 30 and beyond will be eligible for 3,800 euros. Notably, the subsidy climbs to 5,500 euros for women under 35 and men under 30 operating in municipalities with populations under 10,000, further incentivising entrepreneurial activity in smaller communities.

Eligibility criteria dictate that aspiring beneficiaries must maintain their self-employment status for a minimum of twelve months from the application submission date. Moreover, applicants must be registered in the RETA (régimen especial de trabajadores autónomos) and conduct their activities within Andalucía. A viable plan for the projected business venture is also a prerequisite for application.

To streamline the process, the application submission and processing are automated, with administrative verification of compliance. The timeline for resolution and notification is set at a maximum of four months from application entry into the single electronic registry.

Applicants may apply for this aid two months after registration in the RETA or in the first contribution group of the Special Social Security Regime for Sea Workers. A transitional period of two months is granted to those who registered from January 1, 2023. Applications are to be exclusively submitted electronically through the general electronic headquarters of the Administration of the Junta de Andalucía.

The financial commitment to this initiative is substantial, with a total budget of €66.88 million projected over two fiscal years: €35.24 million in 2023 and €31.64 million in 2024.

Since its inception in 2019, the start-up aid program by the Junta de Andalucía has already benefited around 38,000 self-employed workers, highlighting the government's dedication to fostering a conducive environment for entrepreneurship. With the latest wave of grants, Andalucía is poised to witness an influx of new self-employed individuals who can capitalise on this financial support to kick-start their business ventures and contribute to the region's economic prosperity.